Blepharoplasty (eyelid rejuvenation)

The aging process leads to the loss of elasticity of the skin of the eyelids with the consequent drop it and protrusion of the periorbital fat. All these changes can be modified with blepharoplasty. This surgery is performed under local anesthesia accompanied by sedation (neurolepto-anesthesia) and consists of surgical resection of skin and fat surplus through small incisions in the upper and lower subciliary sulcus. It is an ambulatory surgery and is often performed in conjunction with other surgical procedures such as face lift.


The facial rejuvenation surgery is indicated when there is sagging and descent of the soft tissues of the face. The purpose of it is the facial region subtracting own stigmata of "senescence". The surgery involves surgical removal of excess skin and partial resection plication or fascial surface of the muscle system through incisions made in places where they remain hidden, as in the hair or in front and behind the ears. This surgery is performed with sedation or neurolepto-anesthesia.

(ear surgery)

Prominent ears are the cause of major complexes, especially in children and youth, but also adults. Correction is very simple and involves obtaining the curvature they lack through an incision in the back of the ear, exposing the cartilage to sculpt and bend toward the head, closing with non-removable sutures. Occasionally, a segment of cartilage is removed to achieve a more natural fold. It is preferably performed under local anesthesia and / or sedation.

(nose surgery)

Rhinoplasty is one of the most frequent interventions in our country, and its main objective is to achieve a harmonious effect, not only as a structure separate nose, but the nose with the rest of the facial physiognomy. The aim is that the nose has a natural effect, not evidencing as a nose surgery. Rhinoplasty is surgery can be performed under local anesthesia accompanied by sedation and is that through an incision made in the nasal mucosa, skin loosens, then excess bone and cartilage of the back is removed and finally remodeling the cartilages of the tip of the nose. In addition to the outward appearance, assess respiratory function and internal structures of the nose.

(chin surgery)

When a patient has a chin underdeveloped called hipomentonismo or retrognathism. The surgery involves the implantation of a prosthesis of solid silicone whose size and shape are adapted to the needs of each patient. It is done through a small incision in the mucosa, or skin under the chin, using local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis.